Just Talk Mediation service is located at 7-8 Arden House, Wellington Street, Bingley, BD16 2NB and our contact telephone number is 01274 581100.
To make an appointment to see Juliette Kinsey to discuss the mediation process with her further and undertake a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (known as a MIAM) please contact us on 01274 581100 or email juliette@justtalkgroup.co.uk to make an appointment.
In order to proceed we will ask you for your email address or home address so that we can send you a referral form for you to complete and return to us prior to your meeting. The referral form assists Juliette in being able to identify how mediation may best work for you and your family.
The cost of the MIAM appointment is £120 and the fee is payable in advance of your appointment. You can arrange payment by internet banking or cleared cheque in advance of the meeting. We will also require two pieces of identification such as a valid passport and driving licence and or bank statement confirming your current address.
If the mediation process is assessed to be not appropriate for you, or your ex partner or spouse is not prepared to undertake mediation then Juliette will complete the necessary court form that you will require should you take your case further to the courts. The completion of this form is included within the fee for the MIAM appointment.
After both parties have undertaken an assessment and mediation is determined appropriate then a joint sessions will be arranged. The costs of the joint sessions are dependant on what is being talked about in the session and how the session is being delivered. This will be explained to you in your M.I.A.M. assessment but as a rough guide the fees are as follows:
A joint mediation session regarding children issues either in person or online (90 Minutes) is £250 per person. Please be aware that Just Talk Mediation is currently involved in the Government Mediation Voucher Scheme whereby, if you have not used mediation before as a way of resolving children issues, you may be able to access a £500 voucher towards your mediation costs. The voucher is only available for mediation that involves children issues.
A joint mediation session regarding financial issues either in person or online (90 Minutes) is £300 per person.
A joint online ‘Shuttle’ mediation session (this is where you are both in separate Zoom rooms so do not see each other) regarding either financial or children issues (2 hours) – £325 per person.