How does telephone counselling work?
Telephone counselling is very straightforward. All you need is a private telephone or mobile number where I can call you at the time of your session. Provided that you live in the UK and have a UK landline or a UK mobile number I will call you so that you do not have the price of the call to pay for in addition to your session fee.
As with online counselling you are able to choose where you are when you have the session. However, I do require you to be in a safe and confidential space, free from noise and distraction and you must not be driving when you attend your session.
As with online counselling the session is for one hour.
Benefits of telephone counselling
Contrary to popular belief, not everybody has access to or wants to be on the internet. However, most people do have access to the telephone network either via mobile or landline. Telephone counselling gives clients who do not want to undertake online counselling or face to face counselling an opportunity to access therapy via the telephone instead.
Clients can choose their location and, like online counselling, there are no additional costs to the session.
Clients who undergo telephone counselling often say they prefer the anonymity of the telephone counselling model.
Clients with visual impairments or physical disabilities often find telephone counselling a really easy way to access counselling.
Courage does not always roar, sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow‘”Mary Anne Radmacher

Telephone: 01274 581100